
Ethereum (ETH) has the most developers working on its base protocol of all cryptocurrencies, not counting community project developers, according to a report by crypto asset management firm Electric Capital. The report was published in a Medium post on March 7.

Per the post, the company fingerprinted over 20,000 code repositories and 16 million commits to obtain data, which reveals that on average 216 developers contribute code to ETH repositories every month. The company also specifies that this data “is undercounting the number of Ethereum developers since we do not include ecosystem projects like Truffle.”

Bitcoin (BTC), the largest of all cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, has a healthy developer base as well, averaging over 50 developers per month. The report specifies that this data does not include ecosystem projects.

An even more restrictive data set, which only considers contributions to core protocol, reveals that:

“Ethereum is by far the most active at 99 monthly developers on average.”

Bitcoin, on the other hand, has an average of 47 core protocol developers every month, making it the second most active.

The data also reveals that big platforms such as Eos (EOS), Tron (TRX) and Cardano (ADA) all have over 25 monthly core protocol developers on average.

Another point made in the report is that while the market lost about 80 percent since its peak, data shows that the monthly active developer base has fallen by only 4 percent. Moreover, according to the report, the number of developers working on public coin repositories has doubled over the last two years.

According to the company’s global data, over 4,000 developers per month contribute code to over 2,800 public coins. As the study notes, this data does not consider private, not yet launched or non-coin projects, such as the Lightning Network.

The report also points out that “many projects who [sic] are being abandoned by developers are forks of high network value coins.” For instance, Dogecoin (DOGE) hasn’t had developers for months while the Litecoin (LTC) developer base has fallen from 40 developers per month to just three over the last year.

The report also notes that both Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) and Bitcoin Gold (BTG) have had code contributions from under five developers since October 2018.

As Cointelegraph recently reported, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has stated he was trying to solve Bitcoin’s limited functionality with the creation of Ethereum.

On the other hand, Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey alluded to spending $10,000 per week on Bitcoin during a recent podcast.

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A committee of the Connecticut state legislature has proposed to authorize the use of smart contracts in commerce in the state, according to official documentation introduced on March 7.

The Commerce Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA) has introduced House Bill 7310, suggesting that blockchain-powered smart contracts may be used in commerce conducted or initiated in the United States state of Connecticut.

The committee elaborated that any cryptographic signature or a record secured through distributed ledger technology (DLT) should be considered to be in an electronic form and an electronic record.

The CGA Commerce Committee emphasized that no smart contract relating to a transaction should be denied a legal effect or validity only because it is processed through a smart contract rather than a traditional method to secure a transaction data.

A smart contract is a protocol designed to contribute, verify or implement the negotiation or performance of a contract. Blockchain-powered smart contracts allow parties to perform credible transactions directly, without third parties. Containing all the data about the contract terms, smart contract transactions are traceable and irreversible.

On March 6, the General Assembly of the U.S. state of Colorado introduced a bill on examining the possibility of applying blockchain technology in water rights management.

Earlier in February, Cointelegraph reported that two blockchain-related bills were passed in the U.S. state of Wyoming. Both bills, tokenization House Bill 185 and blockchain compliance-related bill, House Bill 74, were introduced in January this year and are set to be enforced later in 2019.

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Multinational computing giant IBM is adding to its stack of blockchain patents with two new applications, the United States Patent and Trademark Office confirmed, publishing documents on March 5.

According to one patent document, IBM now seeks to target network security using blockchain technology. A second patent focuses on database management using the tech.

“Securing a data log using monitor security protocols may be accomplished with different levels of security, ranging from low security to high security, and have various combinations of hardware and software configurations,” the description of the first blockchain patent explains:

“Low security may allow open access to the event logs while high security may significantly restrict access to the event logs. Protecting the monitored system from hackers gaining access to alter the event logs may require a new type of security configuration.”

For the second patent, IBM says so-called database management systems (DBMSs) are currently inefficient due to their bulk and could therefore benefit from the streamlining blockchain solutions tend to offer.

“DBMSs are typically configured to separate the process of storing data from accessing, manipulating, or using data stored in a database,” the patent document summarizes, continuing:

“DBMSs often require tremendous resources to handle the heavy workloads placed on such systems. As such, it may be useful to manage a DBMS using a blockchain database.”

As Cointelegraph reported, IBM has rolled out various enterprise blockchain offers over the past several years, principally under its IBM Blockchain project.

The race to secure patents involving the technology sees the company competing for supremacy with the likes of Bank of America in the United States, which had already accrued a mountain of over 50 patents as of October last year.

This week also saw IBM unveil its security testing tool aimed at identifying weak links in enterprise blockchain deployments.

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage.